We tend to spend a lot of time preparing in advance for an interview, including those that are held over the phone. Polishing your resume, going over common interview questions and talking points, reviewing your experience and accomplishments, practicing how to speak clearly and slowly… that’s all very important. But it’s also vital that you don’t forget about the end of the interview – because it’s one of the most crucial moments of the entire conversation.

Here’s what to say at the end of a phone interview:

Come prepared with questions.

Almost invariably, the interviewer will ask you if you have any questions for them as the interview draws to a close. If you say “no,” it’ll appear that you’re disinterested or just want to get the call over with. Always think of a few questions to ask ahead of time; more about the company culture or structure, or further details about the position you’re interviewing for, for example. Keeping the conversation going shows that you care, and it’s a great way to find out the information you might not otherwise be told.

Ask about next steps.

Asking about what happens next after the phone interview serves two purposes. First, it lets you know what to expect, whether it’s another phone call, a video chat, or an in-person interview. Secondly, it shows that you’re looking ahead to further interactions with the company, and that you’re confident you’ll advance to the next round of interviews.

Reiterate your value.

It’s a good idea to make it clear again why you believe you’re a great fit for the role, and what kind of value you’ll be bringing to the company assuming you’re hired. Try something like, “I’m glad we were able to speak today. With my X years of experience in the field, I think I can do a lot to support the existing team, and I look forward to next steps.”

Remember to say “thank you.”

Of course, you’ll always want to wrap up by thanking the interviewer for their time. A simple “Thanks so much for speaking to me today – I look forward to hearing from you” will go a long way. Being polite is simply the best way to make a good impression and ensure you’ll be a good addition to the team.

Land Your Next Interview

Struggling to find interviews with great companies who match your vision and values? Let Medical Talent help. Our skilled recruiters won’t rest until you’ve found a position that checks all the boxes. Contact us today to learn more and get started.

You’ve got an interview lined up – congratulations. Since it’s likely you’ll be talking with someone either face to face, on the phone, or over a video call, it’s vital that you make a good first impression. And saying the wrong thing can derail your candidacy before it even gets started.

Here’s what not to do during your next job interview:

#1: Claiming you’ve never made a mistake.

No one’s perfect. Trying to claim you are will only make you look bad. The hiring manager doesn’t want to hear that you’re flawless – they want to hear how you overcome obstacles, admit your failures, and learn from them.

#2: Asking about salary right away.

It’s always a best practice to have the employer mention salary first – that way you can negotiate from there. Asking about salary too soon shows that you’re only in it for the money, and most employers will be quick to stop considering you after that.

#3: Speaking negatively about yourself.

It can be easy to be self-deprecating in an interview, but you want to avoid this. Don’t speak in terms of the things you can’t do; speak in terms of the things you can. You can be honest about your skills and experience without speaking negatively about yourself.

#4: Being too personal.

Unless the conversation veers toward personal things like family and children, it’s best to stay away from them unless the hiring manager goes there first. At this stage, the employer isn’t interested in your personal life – they’re interested in you as a job candidate.

#5: Asking why the position is open.

Avoid asking why the position you’re interviewing for is open. It could touch on an uncomfortable or sensitive subject for the hiring manager. Instead, ask “what does the progression of this role look like?”

#6: Appearing bored or disinterested.

This is a quick way to get yourself written off. Be engaged and listen actively throughout the entire interview to show you’re really interested. Otherwise, you’re shooting yourself in the foot.

#7: Not having any questions.

Almost every interview will wrap up with the hiring manager asking you if you have any questions for them. Saying “no” makes it seem like you’re uninterested or just plain lazy. Come prepared with a few questions ahead of time.

Ready For Your Next Interview?

It’s time to put your interview skills to good use. Contact Medical Talent to learn about open roles and browse available jobs here.

Do you ever feel like you have all the right qualifications, all the right skills, and the experience to back it up – but you still aren’t getting the job offers you want? You might be chalking it up to bad luck, but there’s a good chance it’s due to something else: poor interviewing skills. Even the most qualified candidates won’t get a job offer if their interviewing skills aren’t up to par.  

If you think your interviewing skills could use a boost, here are five tips to improve them: 

1. Practice ahead of time.  

Interviewing is like anything else – the more you practice it, the better you become. That doesn’t mean you have to go on dozens of real-life interviews to get the experience under your belt. You just have to practice at home so that you’ll feel more comfortable when the real thing comes along. Practice answering mock interview questions, think about what you’ll say, and do it in front of a mirror to visualize how you’ll come across to the hiring manager. You’ll be amazed at the difference practicing can make.  

2. Do your research. 

Going into an interview completely blind is never a good idea. You’ll want to take the time to research the company, the department you’ll (hopefully) be working in, team members or supervisors if applicable, and any other important information you can find. The more you know about the company and its operations, as well as the organization’s mission and values, the better prepared you’ll be. And you’ll impress the hiring manager with your commitment.  

3. Consider your body language. 

Being withdrawn or standoffish in your body language is an instant turn-off to the hiring manager. Remember to monitor your body language throughout the interview. Don’t cross your arms; sit up straight and project an open, confident, friendly posture. Maintain eye contact tastefully and make it clear you’re listening by nodding and using affirming language.  

4. Dress the part.  

No matter the type or level of position you’re interviewing for, it doesn’t hurt to dress nicely. That doesn’t mean you have to go all-out and dress to the nines, but you should look professional and well-groomed. First impressions matter – and your appearance is one of the first things people notice about you. 

5. Come prepared with questions. 

Invariably, the hiring manager will ask you if you have any questions as the interview is wrapping up. Be sure to come prepared with a few questions. Not only will you learn more, you’ll show that you’re really interested in the position and the company.  

Put Your Interview Skills to Good Use 

Partner with Medical Corps if you’re struggling to get job offers. Contact a member of our recruitment team today to get started on your job search.