You’ve got an interview lined up – congratulations. Since it’s likely you’ll be talking with someone either face to face, on the phone, or over a video call, it’s vital that you make a good first impression. And saying the wrong thing can derail your candidacy before it even gets started.

Here’s what not to do during your next job interview:

#1: Claiming you’ve never made a mistake.

No one’s perfect. Trying to claim you are will only make you look bad. The hiring manager doesn’t want to hear that you’re flawless – they want to hear how you overcome obstacles, admit your failures, and learn from them.

#2: Asking about salary right away.

It’s always a best practice to have the employer mention salary first – that way you can negotiate from there. Asking about salary too soon shows that you’re only in it for the money, and most employers will be quick to stop considering you after that.

#3: Speaking negatively about yourself.

It can be easy to be self-deprecating in an interview, but you want to avoid this. Don’t speak in terms of the things you can’t do; speak in terms of the things you can. You can be honest about your skills and experience without speaking negatively about yourself.

#4: Being too personal.

Unless the conversation veers toward personal things like family and children, it’s best to stay away from them unless the hiring manager goes there first. At this stage, the employer isn’t interested in your personal life – they’re interested in you as a job candidate.

#5: Asking why the position is open.

Avoid asking why the position you’re interviewing for is open. It could touch on an uncomfortable or sensitive subject for the hiring manager. Instead, ask “what does the progression of this role look like?”

#6: Appearing bored or disinterested.

This is a quick way to get yourself written off. Be engaged and listen actively throughout the entire interview to show you’re really interested. Otherwise, you’re shooting yourself in the foot.

#7: Not having any questions.

Almost every interview will wrap up with the hiring manager asking you if you have any questions for them. Saying “no” makes it seem like you’re uninterested or just plain lazy. Come prepared with a few questions ahead of time.

Ready For Your Next Interview?

It’s time to put your interview skills to good use. Contact Medical Talent to learn about open roles and browse available jobs here.

Burnout in the healthcare profession is at a record high as the ripple effects of the pandemic continue to be felt. As an employer, it’s up to you to address the issue and make sure your employees are able to function at their best. But how do you do that?

Here are four ways to help your employees deal with – and avoid – workplace burnout:

Have open, honest discussions about mental health.

The worst thing to do is sweep the problem of burnout under the rug. If it’s ignored, it will only fester and get worse. Have frank discussions about mental health and workplace stress at your facility – make it clear that you’re there for your employees’ well-being in all ways and that you’re committed to them as individuals. When employees feel empowered to take charge of their own mental health, issues like burnout can be dealt with properly, or avoided in the first place.

Provide resources.

From benefits that include mental health providers to mental health materials in the employee handbook, make sure you’re providing your workforce with the resources necessary to avoid burnout. If employees don’t have any resources to turn to if they’re feeling burnt out, they’ll turn to other options – which may include leaving your company entirely.

Encourage time off.

Make it clear to your employees that their PTO is there for a reason. Too often, employees don’t take the time off that they’ve been allotted. As an employer, encourage employees to take time for themselves and use the vacation and sick days that they’ve been given.

Another way to encourage employees to take time for themselves is to provide flexibility in their schedules. From hybrid working arrangements to flexible start and end times, adding in some flexibility goes a long way toward keeping burnout at bay.

Lead by example.

If supervisors and department heads never take time off and work too many overtime hours, it will instill a culture of overwork that trickles down to every employee. Make sure your leadership team is leading by example in the self-care department.

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Medical Talent’s recruiting experts are here to help you find the people you’re looking for. Contact our team today to learn more about our services and find out how we can help.

Before you embark on your job hunt, it’s a good idea to clean up your social media presence. Why? Because, like it or not, potential employers may look at your online presence – and make a judgment based on what they find. You don’t want to ruin your chances of landing a great job just because of something you’ve put on social media.

Here are some quick steps to take to clean up your social media before job hunting:

Deactivate old or duplicate accounts.

If you have any old or duplicate accounts out there, it’s wise to go ahead and delete them entirely if you’re not using them. There’s no sense in having more accounts out there – there could be something on those accounts that you’d rather not have an employer see. Plus, it could confuse the hiring manager who is looking over your social media if they find multiple accounts for the same person. It’s best to have only the active accounts that you use and make sure they’re representing you how you want to be seen.

Delete any posts that could detract from your reputation.

Make sure anything inappropriate or controversial is deleted from your social media platforms entirely. It’s always best to play it safe. Don’t forget to check out any posts or photos you’ve been tagged in, too. An easy way to make sure you’re in the clear is to Google your own name and see what comes up. If a result ties back to something inappropriate on your social channels, take the necessary steps to get it taken down.

Clean up your profile names and handles.

Your profile names, extensions, and handles are an extension of you as a professional. It’s a good idea to make sure they all match and that they use your real name. If possible, make your profile names and handles appear the same way your name appears on your resume. It’s an easy way to look professional and ensure a hiring manager who is looking at your profiles that they’ve found the right person.

Follow relevant groups and organizations.

It’s possible that a hiring manager will also take a look at the organizations, people, and groups you follow on social media. Make sure that who and what you follow reflects your professional goals and values. Following organizations relevant to your field and the jobs you’re applying to is a great way to stand out from the crowd and put yourself at the top of the candidate pile.

Find Your Next Role With Medical Talent

Looking for a new opportunity? Turn to Medical Talent for help. Contact our team to get started on your job search today.