Working as a travel nurse has many great benefits. High pay, a chance to see the country and explore new cities, the opportunity to work with a variety of teams, resume building… the list goes on. But one drawback of this profession is that you’re away from home a lot. That can make it difficult to maintain relationships back home while you’re out on the road.

Whether it’s a significant other, friends, or family members, there are steps you can take to keep up with the relationships you have back home. Here are some tips:

Use technology to your advantage.

Thankfully, the technology we have at our disposal today makes it easier than ever to maintain relationships even over long distances. Text or call your family members, friends, and significant other on a regular basis – communicating regularly is the key to maintaining any kind of relationship. And video chatting through apps like FaceTime or programs like Skype even allows you to see these people face-to-face. That means you can literally see the people who are most important to you whenever you have time away from work.

Set expectations.

Communicate clearly with your significant other, family members, and friends about when you’ll be available to talk with them, and what your schedule will be in terms of contract length. Get everyone on the same page about when you’re able to talk, and when you’ll be working and/or coming back home, and for how long. That way, no one is left in the dark. Being open and transparent about the expectations you have for communication is the best way to make it work.

Plan ahead.

As a travel nurse, you’ll be well aware of how long your contracts last, whether you’ll be extending them or not, and when you’ll be back home. Plan ahead to see the people you care about when you’re back home – set a date to get dinner, or go shopping, or simply hang out at home. Having that time to look forward to is a great motivator for you and the people who are looking forward to spending time with you back at home.

Take Your Travel Nursing Career to the Next Level

Looking for your next great travel nursing gig? Get in touch with the medical recruitment professionals at Medical Talent by calling 972-694-9399 or contacting us online.